Don’t Worry About the New Amazon Inbound FBA Fee

Spoiler alert - The new inbound and FBA fees aren’t going to impact your profit nearly as much as poor inventory management and high returns will.

Global Supply Chain – The Challenges

There’s no escaping the fact that the complex world of global logistics is in a state of flux at the moment, with multiple challenges and a uniquely dynamic marketplace, internationally and domestically, and by air, land or sea. Veteran industry insiders are observing huge price swings – one reports selling a large piece…

Amazon Explained: What is Fulfilled by Amazon (FBA)?

Amazon offers a unique service that has helped create massive amounts of savings for its users since its launch in 2006. FBA, or Fulfillment by Amazon, has been a cost-effective and straightforward service provided by Amazon that offers warehouse and shipping services to Amazon sellers. Sellers who choose to use FBA can pay to…